RV Life Hacks

Transform Your RV Experience With These Handy Life Hacks!

A Little Ingenuity Goes a Long Way, Especially in an RV! 

RVing looks different for everyone. Some drivers are attracted to cross-country journeys on the open road, while others view motorhomes as the perfect way to check out local campsites on weekends. There’s no wrong reason to RV, just like there’s no single right or wrong way to do it. 

There are plenty of small steps you can take to upgrade your RV driving experience significantly. These are some of our favorite RV life hacks for life on the road, starting with …


Shoe Racks Are an Easy Way to Create Storage Space 

Once you realize shoe racks aren’t exclusively for shoes, you see just how many other ways they can make for convenient storage. For example, setting up a waterproof shoe rack outside your shower is an easy way to keep track of all your different toiletries—especially if all your passengers have their own skin care or hair care routine! 

Shoe racks are a practical addition to living spaces and common areas. The right shoe rack can greatly simplify storing clothing, camping gear and even shelves of DVDs. 

Of course, it should go without saying that having extra shoe racks also translates to better shoe storage. 


Two Words: Blackout Curtains

It’s hard to appreciate the difference good blackout curtains make until after you’ve installed them. The sun doesn’t always cooperate with your driving schedule, and few things can suck the energy out of a day like fighting for sleep after a long night of driving. Their benefits also extend beyond sleep, as these curtains are helpful for privacy in busy campsites.

It’s worth noting that you can enjoy the benefits of blackout curtains without installing a second curtain rod. Instead, consider running a line of Velcro across the top of your current curtains and mounting the blackout set with a matching strip.


Consider Some Anti-Fatigue Floor Mats

If you’re not familiar with anti-fatigue floor mats, they’re popular for workers who have to stand or sit in one place for extended periods. These mats are specially padded to lessen the strain staying still has on one’s posture, which means they’re solid for RV driving.

If you’ve got long trips ahead, then opting for some of these mats can go a long way in reducing fatigue among both the driver(s) and passenger(s). Just be careful – if you’re bringing an animal along, don’t be surprised if they try to claim one as a bed!


Dry Erase Boards Are Lifesavers

Given how widespread smartphones are for RVers, it can be easy to become a bit too dependent on them. Regardless of how well you know your trip itinerary, it’s a good idea to have any vital information stored in non-digital space, and that’s where dry erase boards come in handy.

Before you hop in the driver’s seat, write the name of your next destination along with any phone numbers or useful information you want to keep readily accessible. If you find yourself in a stressful situation, having everything in a single, visible place can go a long way.


Join a Club! 

While many newcomers might view RVing as a solitary activity, experienced drivers know the community is one of the best parts of the lifestyle. Joining an organization like the All-Inclusive Motorhome Club (or AIM Club) is an excellent way to meet other RVers, discover new activities and make lifelong friends. You can even stay in touch and view the journeys of others on their interactive Facebook page!

AIM Club, in particular, is a great option for newcomers as it represents an opportunity to discover parts of the RV lifestyle that are hard to find if you only look on sites like TripAdvisor or Yelp. In addition to fantastic events and friendly meetups, drivers also benefit from awesome perks like discounted service and special rates on vehicle insurance! 

Of course, these life hacks are far from the ONLY tips for life on the road. However, more important than shoe racks and blackout curtains is having a partner you can trust when it comes to repairing, storing and maintaining your RV. 

NIRVC is here to take the stress out of every step of RV ownership, from before your first drive to long after you pack up at the end of the season. Between a full-service maintenance bay and climate-controlled indoor storage, we’ve got everything you need to start your next adventure. Contact us today to get started!